It is now 802 am and these are my official predictions for the elections.
J. M. Devolites Davis vs. Chap Petersen. I expect this one to come down to the last vote. I will not be surprised whatsoever if there is a recount done. At this point, I am saying this is a toss up election as I have no idea who will win. Will the recent issue of Chap's address push him into the Senate? It might, but only time will tell.
Ken Cuccinelli vs. Janet Oleszek. Cuccinelli is going to win this one all the way. Odds are it will be a close margin, but considering everything I have seen with Oleszek, I am sure she is a very nice woman and good at doing things on the school board level, but she is not as impressive a candidate for state senate. Perhaps she should try again as a delegate candidate.
Gerry Connelly vs. Gary Baise. Considering the way in which Connelly has acted and not listened to the people of the county, expect Baise to win.
Ray Morrough vs. Patrick McDade. It is youth vs. experience. I think McDade is going to win this one due to the fact that he is giving statistics and is showing how the Commonwealth Attorney is not doing his job for this particular area. I have met McDade and find him to be very personable and also very sincere. Expect big things from him in the state level of politics. If he can get a good following, he could make the jump into the national scene.
John Frey vs. Dale Evans vs. Joseph Oddo. Considering the real lack of signs for Oddo and Evans, I think Frey is going to win this one. Considering the number of married couples who got John Frey to sign their marriage license, I would image he will get their votes.
Joe Morrisey. "Fightin Joe" is back. I expect him to win his Delegate seat without too much trouble, especially since he is, as far as I can see, running unoppossed.
Control fo the House fo Delegates. I think the Republicans are going to maintain control of the House.
Control fo the Senate. This is going to be a close one. I am calling it a Republican controlled Senate, BUT at a 20-20 split with the Lt. Gov. being the tie breaker.
What is going to happen to Ben Tribbett? Depending on hwo the Davis Petersen race goes, I fully expect Ben to blow his lid on this one. Considering how he has become so ingrained with the election, I think the life lesson to be learned here to is to always have avenues of escape in your life to be able to let off steam instead of letting it build up.
Thos are my predictions. Further commentary to come. The time is 815.