Friday, June 16, 2006

We're Off The Road To...Altoona?

Well, tomorrow Mason Conservative's little brother is getting married. Throughout the week, I have been given quotes and words of advice for the young groom about marriage. While all were hilarious, I think I will use my own intelligence and charm to create a few words of wisdom for the couple. As such, I am off to Altoona. Extra credit points for those that can identify the state it is in and the major cities near it!


Anonymous said...

Pennsylvania...100 miles east of Pittsburgh?

Anonymous said...

Why, eastern Pennsylvania of course, north east of Reading and near the big roller coaster park just off of Rt 78 that I can't remember the name of...Darney Park?? Also not far from that great 50's style tourist site near Midway that houses the world's oldest and largest model train set...

BDM said...

Give that man Kevin 64 silver dollars! Pennsylvania is correct. The mileage is also about right. Just drove back from there today with Mason Conservative, who was dying from a major headache. Good times were had by all.